| Sector | abcCoal and Lignite | Tender Value | INR 4776.03 Crore approx. | Location | Orissa (Odisha) - India | Ref.No | 59659374 | Closing Date | 19 - Jun - 2023 | | | Handling, Transport Other Mining Services - Percentage Quote Based - as Per the Scope of Work Qty 1 Hiring of HEMM (Shovel, Dumpers / Tippers, Drills, Dozers, Fog Canons etc) for removal of OB from Surface top in all kinds of soil/rocks (consisting of top soil, alluvium, soil, blast rock, etc) for exposing different coal seams, including excavation of OB, loading & transportation of excavated OB, dumping in dump yard, dozing, grading, leveling at dump sites including face & other specified places, preparation & maintenance of haul roads, water sprinkling through fog cannon on haul road, lighting at all sites of operation & pumping/dewatering as per instruction of the Engineer-in- charge/Project Management of Bhubaneswari OCP, Jagannath Area, MCL for quantity of 1680.50 Lakh CuM. Hiring of Surface Miners for extraction of Coal/Coal measure strata, Mechanical transfer of the same into Tipping Trucks and transportation thereof from face to different destinations along with preparation & maintenance of Coal faces, haul/transportation roads, water sprinkling at working faces/coal transporting roads, mine premises etc., illumination at all sites of operation and pumping/dewatering as per the instruction of the Engineer In- charge/Project Management of Bhubaneswari OCP, Jagannath Area, MCL for quantity of 1350,00,000 Tes of Coal and 59,23,114 Tes. of Coal Measure Strata. Illumination at all sites of operation and pumping/dewatering as per the instruction of the Engineer In- charge/Project Management of Bhubaneswari OCP, Jagannath Area, MCL. |
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